Take Heart Film narrated by Stan Grant
Take Heart RHD Film about the quest to rid Australasia of RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease

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The Quest to Rid Australasia of RHD

By Kirsten van Ness

A new documentary is seeking to put the spotlight on a deadly heart disease that almost exclusively affects Indigenous people living in remote areas.

Watch the segment here.

Take Heart on ABC TV

A sore throat in a child is not necessarily a cause for concern for most parents.

But for thousands of Indigenous Australians, something just as common could lead to heart failure, permanent disability and even death.

That’s because Indigenous children in remote communities are at higher risk of developing Acute Rheumatic Fever from Strep infections, potentially developing Rheumatic Heart Disease.

A new Australian documentary aims to shine a light on the condition, which affects more than 30 million people around the world, including thousands of young Indigenous Australians.

The award-winning documentary, Take Heart: The Quest to Rid Australasia of Rheumatic Heart Disease, premiers tonight in Melbourne in the lead up to the national Close The Gap Day on March 17.


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