Take Heart Film narrated by Stan Grant
Take Heart RHD Film about the quest to rid Australasia of RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease

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Dr Andrew Steer Interview

Live broadcast from the State Library of Victoria. Associate Professor Andrew Steer, Royal Children’s Hospital discusses the film ‘Take Heart’ which is about rheumatic heart disease and he was a consultant on; the world premiere will be next Thursday at ACMI; Steer says that he researched rheumatic heart disease for some time, and says that it is a neglected and forgotten disease; he says that it is 100 percent preventable, as it is a disease of disadvantage and poverty; he says that in Northern Australia, 1-2 percent of Indigenous Australians suffer from rheumatic heart disease; Steer discusses the symptoms of rheumatic heart disease, which can start from sore throats.

Skip forward to 27:46 to hear Dr Andrew Steer on The Conversation Hour with Jon Faine…

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